KUBRA Storm Center™ now supports additional configuration options that allow you to add formatted static text to multiple locations on the Storm Center map UI.
You can add static text to
- the bottom of the summary information in the Menu content of the tool panel
- an extra content section at the bottom of the Menu content of the tool panel
- a section in a tool panel additional links section in the Menu content of the tool panel
- a content section in the Help/Information content of the tool panel
The new static text options can include HTML formatting including hyperlinks, click-to-email email addresses, click-to-call phone numbers, ordered and unordered lists, font color, font size, and background color.
Storm Center also supports a configuration option that allows you to add additional text to the summary report header. Summary report header text supports hyperlinks, hypertext, and click-to-call phone numbers (for devices that support click-to-call).
These new static text configuration options are in addition to previously available options for adding text to the bottom of information panels.
Changes to configuration related to static text require assistance from KUBRA. If you would like to make updates to your Storm Center map configuration to adjust or add static text, please contact your KUBRA client success manager.
Release Details
- Prod Date: This update is planned to be in production as of April 20, 2020.
- Type: Automatic - The release of the static text configuration options will not disrupt any current implementations or the user experience.
- Notes: This update will not affect any items you have configured in Storm Center. All clients will have access to the new configuration options automatically. If you want to update your Storm Center map configuration to include additional text, please contact your KUBRA Client Success Manager.