KUBRA Storm Center - Planned Outages
KUBRA Storm Center

Planned Outages Module

Storm Center now includes support for an optional Planned Outages module. You can choose to show planned outage data on the same map as active or unplanned outages, or you can create separate maps for each outage type.

Planned Outage layer with multiple ranges for customers affected

Planned Outages layer with one range for customers affected

The Planned Outages module is designed to support multiple use cases. For example, you can choose to provide information about planned outages in the new planned outages feed until the outage begins, and then remove information about the outage from the planned outages feed and provide information in the active outages feed for the active outage. Alternatively, you can choose to provide information about all current and future planned outages in the planned outages feed and only provide information for unplanned outages in the active outages feed.

Summary Report Update

The summary reports for Storm Center maps can now optionally include a column for Number of Outages.

County summary report with Number of Outages column

Release details

  • Prod Date:
    This update is planned to be in production as of April 5, 2019.
  • Type:
    Automatic - The new optional Planned Outages module and the new option for summary reports will not disrupt any current implementations.
  • Notes:
    This update will be seamless and will not impact any items you have configured in Storm Center. If you would like to add the new module or adjust the included columns on summary reports for your Storm Center maps, please contact either your KUBRA project manager or KUBRA client relationship manager.