Paying the right amount
We are adding the Real-Time Balance Update API to the API Toolkit for KUBRA EZ-PAY. This API provides your customer with the most current account balance when making a payment (should that value be different from the originally invoiced amount), ensuring payments are accurate and trouble-free.
After validation, the client is provided with the amount due for the account. If that value has changed since the bill was rendered and loaded into KUBRA EZ-PAY, the system will replace the amount due with the updated account balance pulled using the API.
Release details
Prep Date:This feature will be ready for testing on June 12th, 2016.
Prod Date:This feature will be in production status on June 26th, 2016.
Type:Optional - This item will need your approval to be implemented and may require the use of professional services.
Notes:This release will be seamless and will not impact any jobs, settings, or processes you have configured for KUBRA EZ-PAY