KUBRA EZ-PAY Release - August 2020


This release will include the following features and updates:

  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • KUBRA EZ-PAY® Self-Service Kiosk
  • EMV processing
  • PIN Debit
  • AMEX Direct Connect
  • Support for donations
  • Miscellaneous updates


We will be hosting a demonstration session Wednesday, August 19th, 2020 @ 11:00 AM EDT (60min). Please register for this session even if you can't attend as a recording will be sent that can be viewed at your convenience.

Register for the Webinar Now!

Payment Enhancements

Apple Pay & Google Pay (Optional)

Apple Pay and Google Pay are now available through KUBRA EZ-PAY! These technologies provide a secure way to make payments using the very popular Apple and Google digital wallets. They are supported on the latest KUBRA EZ-PAY Apps and website.


  • Apple Pay and Google Pay are optional features. 
  • The payment processor supported is Chase PaymenTech 
Customers can choose to use Apple Pay

Customers can choose to use Google Pay

Apple Pay supported browsers

  • Apple Pay Web minimum browser: Safari on a compatible Apple Device that has Touch ID/Face ID available (Safari version will still follow minimum KUBRA browser version support guidelines)

Google Pay supported browsers

  • Google Pay Web minimum Browser: Supports Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Opera, or UCWeb UC Browser and since accessed through EZ-PAY

Apple Pay Supported Devices - Safari on a compatible Apple Device

  • iPhone 6 and above, which supports Touch ID or Face ID
  • iPad Pro, iPad Air, iPad, and iPad mini models with Touch ID or Face ID

Google Pay Supported Devices - Google Pay is available on:

  • Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Opera, or UCWeb UC Browser.

In Person Payments

EMV Card Processing  (Optional)

Support for EMV card processing is now available through the KUBRA EZ-PAY Point Of Sale (POS) solution.

PIN Debit Support (Optional)

With this release, PIN Debit is supported using Chase PaymenTech as a processor.

KUBRA EZ-PAY® Self-Service Kiosk (Optional)

KUBRA EZ-PAY can now provide a stand alone payment kiosk to allow customers to make self-serve payments using credit and debit card, check and cash payments.

Features include:

  • Biller-branded design including the biller’s logo
  • Options for indoor, outdoor,  through-wall or drive-through models
  • Biller-defined screen flow
  • Payments processed the same as EZ-PAY web payments
  • Account search methods for customers include QR code scanner, phone number                                                       lookup, and a driver’s license barcode
  • Payments made using a kiosk will be reflected on customers’ accounts within minutes
  • PCI level 1 compliance, supporting EMV and chip card processing, as well as an unattended PIN pad

Online Payments

AMEX Direct Connect (Optional)

Support for American Express Direct Connect payment processing is now supported. KUBRA EZ-PAY can directly route transactions to American Express, resulting in enhanced authorization speeds, faster payments, fewer potential points of failure, and a better overall experience for billers and American Express Card Members

Donations (Optional)

KUBRA EZ-PAY now offers the ability to collect a donation while making a payment through the Web or Voice(IVR) payment channels.

Branding Enhancements

Multiple Branding(Optional)

KUBRA EZ-PAY can support multiple operating companies under one application. Based on parameters being sent within the URL, KUBRA EZ-PAY can present a specif brand logo and name (to replace the parent company logo). Additionally, the corresponding email and text notifications will also reflect these brand logos and names.

Miscellaneous Features

  • Added support for Encrypted Keypads - Support for external keypad for CSR payments with a Point-to-Point encryption. (Optional)
  • Added Convenience Fee handling for Residential and Commercial Invoice-based payments when both are being paid at the same time (Automatic - where applicable)
  • Added support for processing multiple payments using different payment types through one flow (Optional)
  • Added ability to update the expiration date and nickname for saved payment cards within the Payment Center (Automatic)
  • Various bug fixes and performance improvements (Automatic)

Implementation Notes

  • In order to take advantage of these features you need to be on KUBRA EZ-PAY v5.
  • As this is a common single instance platform, most of the noted features do not require an implementation or any testing. The deployment of these features are instantaneous with that of the platform upgrade release, which means the new capability is automatically activated and will be available on June 8 when the platform upgrade goes into effect.  
  • For certain features that require advanced configuration or additional work from KUBRA (API’s, Donation Support), we will discuss implementation options and scheduling.  Advanced configurable features are noted in the release notes.
